Go-to-Market Economic Impact Study

Second Edition: Summer 2023

Key Topics

Generative AI: A Tectonic Shift for GTM

Topic - 01

Layoffs and Cutbacks Continue

Topic - 02

Economic Impact on GTM Performance

Topic - 03

Efficient Growth Trends

Topic - 04

GTM Buyer Trends

Topic - 05

7 Recommendations to Navigate GTM Growth

Topic - 06

Generative AI: A Tectonic Shift for GTM

AI Has Been Decades in the Making

But it’s been trapped in backend logic and system improvements

ChatGPT Ignites The Possibilities of Generative AI

Making the prior two decades of interest in AI look like it never happened

"With Generative AI at our fingertips, the possibilities are now realities."

GTM Partners

Funding For Generative AI


Investment in AI Is Exploding

$1 Billion

Investment in AI capabilities


$3 billion

Investment in AI technolog


$2.5 billion

Investment in AI technology


Double AI Staff to 80,000

Mix of hiring, training, and acquisitions


Problem Solving in the Age of Generative AI

Reduce LEARNING time

Days 1990’s

Hours 2000’s

Reduce LABOR time

Minutes 2023

Problem Formulation → The human skill that’s always needed

"AI won't take your job. It's somebody using AI that will take your job."

Richard Baldwin - Economist and professor World Economic Forum's - 2022

AI Will Create Value - Not Just Cost Savings & Job Elimination

15.7 trillion

Potential contribution to global economy in 2030 from AI


7 trillion

Generative AI could produce in annual GDP


Employee Productivity

Generative AI has potential to automate work activities that absorb 60-70% of time employees spend working.


Productivity by Department

Estimated increase in productivity by function


Employees will do more value creation work and less busy work.

GTM AI Use Cases: Examples that transform labor intensive tasks

- Sales email
- Marketing campaigns
- Positioning & Differentiation
- Buyers Content Experience
- Customer & Market Insights
- Financial Reporting

- Design, Decks, Images
- Charts
- Research & Trends
- Workflows & task work
- Organize, categorize, index
- Analyze data sets

- UI / UX
- Code
- Data append & cleanse

Path to Efficiency…

Future Leaders:
Be the best
operators of AI

Generative AI is the R&D focal point for B2B GTM Tech providers

Vendors from nearly every category are adding Generative AI into use cases

Launching Mid August - Covers 225+ categories of software with significant AI integration

G2 enhancing Reviews to capture benefits of Generative AI within use cases

Text Generation

Text Summarization







With generative AI, the user becomes the interface.

Layoffs and Cutbacks Continue

H1 2023 Layoffs Continued as Companies Cut Deep

But it’s been trapped in backend logic and system improvements

Layoffs Nearly Double in H1 2023 - Big U.S. Technology Companies

The majority of ~335K laid-off employees in H1 of ’23 are from big companies

Layoffs up 81% since

H2 ’22

Smaller companies are much more sensitive to market volatility and had layoffs in H1 of ’22

Usually starts with business roles followed by technology roles for companies that had multiple waves of layoffs

The Impact on Business Performance

Watch the video of Lindsay Cordell and Bryan Brown discussing the impact of the economy on GTM Business Performance

How are economic conditions impacting your business?

We surveyed over 500 companies – breakdowns on next page – how do you compare?

Pipeline Performance

Has your marketing pipeline been impacted?

Compared to 6 months ago, we are still seeing almost 50% of companies are hitting their pipeline targets, while the other half continue to miss their goals.

Key Takeaways:

Sales Velocity Performance

Has your sales velocity been impacted?

Compared to 6 months ago, we are still seeing a worsening of challenges related to sales velocity.

Key Takeaways:

Revenue Attainment

Are you on track for your revenue goals in 2023?

Compared to 6 months ago, we are still seeing a stabilization of revenue attainment goals.

Key Takeaways:

Assuming revenue attainment goals were reset for 2023, most organizations are still experiencing a larger than desirable gap in hitting their attainment which will likely continue to impact their spending in 2023.  They will be finding ways of making up for losses in cost cutting and efficiency gains.

Efficient Growth Trends

Watch the video of Jeff Marcoux (Bombora) and Bryan Brown (GTM Partners) discussing the impact of the economy on GTM Business Performance

All businesses regardless of size are even more tempered on growth than 6 months ago

Small businesses are still feeling vulnerable to Downturn although slightly lower than our Winter ‘22 report

Enterprise businesses have pulled back hard on last years Growth bullishness.

Fortune 500 seemed resistant to Downturn a year ago are now very tempered in Growth expectations

Settling in to our new economic normal

In 2021-22 companies were very concerned with economic outlook but thought they could grow through it. In 2023 fear is coming down but even more so are expectations on growth as companies settle into a new economic normal.

No longer shocked by the downturn - Settling in to slower growth

Look how business mindset has shifted as we compare over time

Economic Downturn

Economic Growth

In quest for financial stability Small and Mid Market businesses get laser focused on selling & serving their Ideal Customers – Larger businesses were already there

Research in identifying a Total Relevant Market

Trends in Key GTM Pillars

Investment mentality shifts between November 2022 and July 2023. Prior cutbacks on brand and demand were enough – maybe a little too much for SMB’s. Focus on growth through customers continues to increase – with Small businesses doing so aggressively

Brand & Demand

Customer Expansion

From Traditional Vanity Metrics to a North Star Metric for Business Transformation

GTM Buyer Trends


The 5 Valleys of Death

Create but can’t Market

Market but can’t Sell

Sell but can’t Deliver

Deliver but can’t Renew

Renew but can’t Expand


60% of companies polled struggle to articulate  and prove ROI.

Poor Win-Rates

Stalled Pipeline

CFO’s Blocking Deals

Poor Customer Retention

Buyer Behavior has shifted dramatically

Investment mentality shifts between November 2022 and July 2023. Prior cutbacks on brand and demand were enough – maybe a little too much for SMB’s. Focus on growth through customers continues to increase – with Small businesses doing so aggressively

Top Buyer Considerations

1.Ease of implementation

2.ROI within 6 months

3.Scale with my team

4.User adoption


6.Easily integrated


8.Price & Security

Risk Reduction

Can we actually use this?

Is it worth doing?

Will it grow with us?


Does it do what we need?

Work with our tech stack?

Ensure our success?

47% of buyers expect to see ROI within 6 months

55% will increase spending in 2024

Focus on your best performing GTM motions is key to efficient growth

The 6 Go-to-Market Motions

7 recommendations to navigate growth



A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


Reimagine your sales & CS motion; the old system was broken and is not coming back


Grow through your best customers and finding more of them (TRM)


Ensure you have a clear ROI story to retain existing customers


Reinvest in building brand and demand to get pipeline back on track


A GTM dashboard is imperative to align and activate teams


NRR is your single most important metric to focus on right now

Technology Partners Who Are Challenging The Status Quo And Driving Efficient Growth

The Go-to-Market Operating System

We often hear business leaders speak to the desired outcomes as though they are the plan: “We need 3X pipeline”, “Increase NRR by 3 points”, “30% increase in revenue”, etc. However, without a systematic way of confirming you have the correct processes and investment to achieve the goal, you might struggle to see risks that could prevent you from reaching it. How do you bridge the gap between your strategic planning process and your execution?

The GTM Operating System is an 8-pillar framework that we have developed to provide organizations with a blueprint to provide clarity and alignment in their strategic planning and execution process.

How The GTM Operating System Works

The GTM Operating System is made up of many interconnected parts that will allow your Go-to-Market team to stay aligned on a common goal, both as a GTM team and within specific disciplines such as Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success. It also allows the owner of GTM within your organization to validate your strategy and understand the capacity of the GTM team.

The GTM Operating System provides blueprints for how to run a successful plan to manage the execution of a successful GTM Motion(s) across the entire company. Each pillar builds on the next, allowing you to connect the dots between teams with significantly different roles. These 8 pillars are critical to ensuring that GTM is a company-wide holistic initiative and not just a marketing and sales initiative.

For example, without having the correct positioning and branding support, Sales will struggle to make their numbers, or if your customers can’t see value in your solution, having your revenue depend on expansion will become a challenge for your Account teams.

All our research is free!

About This Report

The cooling economy is having a material impact on business results. Go-to-Market teams are scrambling to recalibrate towards efficient growth. This research is written for B2B executives, go-to-market leaders and practitioners. It will help you identify key trends and strategies to navigate your growth in an economic downturn.

When the founders of GTM Partners started working with hundreds of companies on the concept of Go-to-Market(GTM), they came to the conclusion that there is a massive challenge facing B2B business leaders today. Though the issue can manifest in dozens of ways, it always boils down to a single concept: Go-To-Market is broken.

We know that to make a bold statement like that, we need data, research, and market validation to back it up. Through our Data Partnerships, the development of the best-selling book “Move: The 4-question Go-to-Market Framework,” and through the support of our founding members and Go-to-Market Technology Partners, we have validated that B2B leaders have a big problem to solve, and we believe that they shouldn’t have to solve it alone.

With proper attribution these slides can be used in board decks, company meetings, keynotes and presentations, and social media.

Have questions or need GTM help?

Please book an inquiry call at gtmpartners.com 

About GTM Partners

GTM Partners, a data-driven Go-To-Market Analyst firm, helps organizations and GTM vendors achieve efficient growth by transforming their GTM strategy. We work with high-growth companies to help them unify their GTM teams and to provide them with lasting strategies and frameworks. GTM Partners with a mission to make Go-To-Market simple aims to be the voice of the industry for GTM.

We do this by offering:

Data and benchmarks collected from data providers, including G2 and Bombora, as well as our community of the world’s fastest-growing companies.

Research, best practices, and design frameworks to provide guidance on the best-in-class approaches to strategizing, executing, and tooling your Go-to-Market approach.

Personalized advice and support from experienced leaders and practitioners that help you address business challenges in a manner that is authentic and specific to you. Our consulting work focuses on areas such as Go-to-Market strategy, creating a Point of View, and Go-to-Market execution strategy across the 8 pillars of GTM.

Events and networking with industry leaders looking to define the category of Go-to-Market and revolutionize the way we create value for our organizations.

Bryan Brown

Chief Analyst

Bryan is a SaaS pioneer and thought leader in the marketing and sales tech industry. He has both created and brought to market innovative software products and ideas while helping thousands of companies in their effort to grow revenue more efficiently.

Lindsay Cordell

Senior GTM Analyst

Lindsay is a practitioner turned analyst who studies best practices and trends in Go-to-Market and develops actionable models and blueprints for our clients. She has held both practitioner and leadership roles in almost every aspect of GTM, including Product, Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, Revenue Operations, and Enablement.

Sangram Vajre

CEO & Industry Expert

Sangram is a three-time best-selling author and co-founder of several organizations, including Terminus, The Peak Community, and most recently, GTM Partners. Sangram has been at the forefront of B2B marketing trends, the Flip-my-Funnel movement, and defining the Account-Based Marketing category, ushering in a new generation of go-to-market leaders.

Download the Economic Impact Report